On behalf of Shihan Nobuo Takase and Aikido Shinryukan,
Thank you all so very much for your participation and support during the 45th Anniversary Aikido Shinryukan International Gasshuku.
We hope the experience was as enjoyable for you as it was for us hosting this wonderful event.
A sincere thank you to Y. Kobayashi Shihan, T. Sawada Shihan, E. Horii Shihan, T. Smibert Shihan, Ueno Shihan, and R. Le Vourch Shihan for their participation and technical guidance throughout the four days.
Also a special thank you goes out to those participants that traveled to attend from throughout NZ, Australia, Samoa, New Caledonia, Tahiti, China, Japan, France and the United Kingdom.
We wish you all an Aiki fulfilled year ahead and look forward to seeing you again soon!!
Kind regards
Simon Puffett
P.s The photos from the 45th Anniversary Event have been placed on our website.