Japan Day is around the corner with a fixed date of Sunday 10th April. The planned starts for the day is 9.30am and finishes at 6.00pm
We will be running a stall for the entire day where we will be rolling and pinning for the public viewing. Please accept this as on open invite for all to participate and assist us to deliver a great show for the day. Please come down with your training gear for as long as you can when you can. We need as many people rolling on the mats as we can get through the day and it makes no difference your level as a gentle measured approach is always best
There is a Shinryukan Aikido Demonstration scheduled to start at 13:45 to 14:15
We would like you to consider taking part and if able, please let me know asap and I will pass on to Papu Sensei who is assisting in organising. It would be great to see you on Saturdays leading up to the 10th if possible, as we plan to arrange some additional time after class to practise for the Demonstration
Please pass this invite on to any & all within your respective clubs as we really need as many people through the day as we can get. As well as people for the Demonstration itself
Darryll Stewart
pH: 021436141